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Physical wellbeing
As an aspiring player to become the best, a balanced lifestyle can improve overall health as well as gaming performance. Exercise produces countless physical adaptations that can help players reach a higher level—both physically and mentally. The three major adaptations include improved endurance, an increased ability to cope with stress, and improved cognitive function. It is also found that physical exercise is linked to improving reaction time.
Physical exercise is not only lifting weights or running. Studies show that even 150 minutes of brisk walking a week increases memory and thinking skills3!
It is no secret that even the professional players maintain a regular gym schedule for that reason. We highly suggest you start incorporating physical exercise into your training routine. You definitely could start slow by doing 25 minutes of brisk each day for six days, or 1 hour of brisk walking for 2 days. Both give a total of 150 weekly minutes of exercise.
Not only physical exercise is important but also sleep has a deciding factor on performance.

Reaction time is key for a fast-paced game like Fortnite. It is found that being in a state of sleep deprivation4 negatively impacts reaction time. Thus, it is not only important to “just do” the training itself but also to take care of yourself physically and mentally. For sleeping, the CDC5 recommends people aged 13-18 between 8-10 hours of sleep per night.
For people aged 18-60, the CDC recommends seven or more hours per night6. Note that this a general guideline, a proper sleep goes into a lot more factors and differentiates between people. We would suggest reading more about sleeping and consulting with your doctor if you seem to have trouble sleeping well.